Wednesday 21 March 2012

Of fish & birds

I've been busy this morning, scaling, gutting & filleting some sardines ready for dinner tonight. I can quite understand why fish are so unpopular in this country. It's the bones. Even if you buy your fish ready filleted, so often bones remain to be found, usually mid-mouthful. On the top chef's programme's they keep mentioning about the importance of pin-boning. Somehow I feel that's what the fishmonger should have done for you when you buy the fish. As you may have gathered I long ago learnt how to skin and/or bone fish. Maybe that's part of the reason we love our fish so much.

From time to time I looked up from my task & looked out of the kitchen window to see another sign of spring. The blue tits are once more moving into the nest box. They seem to be constantly flitting between the hedge & the box. Sometimes they go on elsewhere, sometimes they just hop back in. It's a delight to see them so close to the window. I quite expect to see signs of a new family there anytime now. I hope all goes well for them.

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