Wednesday, 4 January 2012


My stomach still rumbles on. I keep thinking maybe I ought to see the doc. I just get ready to do so when either I'm feeling a bit better & feel it therefore would be a waste of time, or I'm up too late to ring the surgery for an appointment which has to be done before 9am. Normally 9am is fine for me. I'm rarely still in bed at that hour, but these stomach cramps have left me not getting off to sleep until after 4am so, not surprisingly, I'm not very prompt at waking up in the morning. Indeed yesterday I couldn't believe it when I noticed the clock to see it was already 11am & I was still eating breakfast! At least today is a better day. My tum's feeling more itself & I was feeling up earlier, ready to go.

So much for my health. I'm just grateful the Fox seems to be doing a lot better than I am.

Yesterday we did manage a venture out. It was wild. All morning, brief as it was, the wind had been howling so much I'd had to put the volume up on the radio to hear it above the noises from outside.

When we did venture out in the afternoon, we went along the prom. The wind continued to blow. Poor pedestrians were trying to walk, bent forward into the wind, trying to pull scarves & collars up, anything to protect their faces, & their eyes in particular. Great drifts of sand were blowing across the prom straight into their faces, with a force that really must have stung, if not positively hurt. In parts the sand was mid-calf deep. In other parts the gravel, placed on the shore as part of the sea defences had been forced right up virtually onto the pavement & road due to the sheer force of the tide. When we got to our destination sand was clearly visible covering the car. Coming back we went a more inland route. We avoided the sand but not the wind. As we sat at the road junction waiting for the traffic to clear so we could turn, you could feel our heavy car bouncing around.

The wind still blows today. Not as bad but still blowing. I wonder what damage has been done. Clearly part of the trellis dividing the patio area & the lawn area of our garden is coming down. The birds will have to find another perch. But what else? I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't find yet more fences needing to be renewed but until these winds abate there seems little point in looking too carefully. Instead we just keep our fingers crossed, hope for the best, & stay snug inside, in the warmth.

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