I'm half-expecting the phone to go any minute. The drain's blocked once more. The yard is becoming slippery as the greasy fluid escapes from the drain across the yard. We don't have to go out today so it's a good day to get it settled. I've even got a quiet morning as the Fox is dong the cooking today. He's making a Thai green chicken curry in Big Ears, the slow cooker. That means there's nothing for me to prepare, not even peeling some spuds to accompany the meal.
We went to the Pub yesterday. It wasn't the most cheerful of events. PD is still not comfortable with his eye. He's still getting headaches & spasms of pain in the eye. He's still not sleeping well which is making him very dopey. He is somewhat perturbed to discover that the corneas on both his eyes are loose - probably the result of his rugby days or the time he blacked out, landing flat on his face while on holiday in Crete.
On top of which Tony, the power station worker, came in. His wife left him for another man last year. He's still adjusting to that. It didn't help with it being yet another grey wet day. That gets everybody's spirits down. He was going on about his son, now in his late teens/early twenties. He still can't find a job. After school, the son went on to college, studying joinery. Now he's trained, the building trade has collapsed & no-one's taking on extra staff at the moment. He's beginning to give up. It seems so sad when a youngster can't get that first foot on the ladder.
The one bright spark is that the Pub manager has got engaged. They're not intending to marry for a couple of years, until after his fiancee has graduated. It always seems strange to me to have a long engagement. The whole point of getting engaged is to get yourselves organised for the wedding & life together afterwards. That doesn't take years. Or does it these days?
You may have guessed. Today's another one of those grey damp days that doesn't fill me with much cheer. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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