Today seems set to be an odd day. First there'll be a lot of waiting. This morning I'm expecting the wheelchair repair people to come to service my chair. They're supposed to do this annually, but it's the first time I've seen then since we went to Canada in 2008.
Then this afternoon I'm expecting the survey engineer to come about the new central heating boiler we applied for last autumn. We had hoped to get this sorted out in time for last winter, now we're hoping they can get the job done for this coming winter.
After that later this afternoon it's party time. As we've got the gift for Gaz, the departing the manager at the Pub, we must be there.
As a result of all this unsettlement, we've decided to abandon cooking this evening. We'll eat out or get a takeaway on the way back. I'm too on edge waiting even now to settle to peel potatoes. After every sentence, or at every sound or sense of movement, my eyes rapidly move from screen, out of the window, to look up the street in the hope of seeing an approaching van. Even wheelchair service people tend to assume you're out if you don't get to the door quick. I don't do grease lightning these days.
1 comment:
I share your frustration withg the waiting game, it's just impossible to concentrate on anything other than the process of waiting itself!
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