Thursday, 22 July 2010

All of a buzz

I'm looking forward to dinner tonight. The Fox is in charge. He's having a go at a chicken & chorizo paella. It should be good.

But before that we're off to the Farmers' Market to see if we can get some of our meat supplies for the month ahead.

No doubt we will stop, as we always seem to be doing at the moment, at the herb garden en route to & from the car.

What is the source of all this interest?

It's the oregano. The flowers are not that exciting to us, but they certainly are to the wildlife. They are constantly a-buzz with bees. There's rarely less than half a dozen, usually more like a dozen,
mainly big fat bumble bees with their round hairy backsides all of a quiver. They busily scramble over the flowers. Their legs are weighed down with huge yellow pollen sacks & yet still they gather on. Yesterday they were joined by a butterfly - I'm not sure which but from the shape I would assume it was some variety of skipper - & a yellow ladybird. Occasionally they fly off to the lavender, but it is the oregano which causes the most excitement. Earlier in the year it was the chives.

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