Sunday, 4 July 2010

A change of weather

The weather's certainly changed. It's overcast for the first time in ages. Today is very breezy indeed. The trees & other plants are tossing this way & that. The yellow loosestrife is largely lying down as though some great elephant has sat down in the midst of it.

I contemplate going off to church. I get my coat on, just in case the forecast rain appears. I step out & slowly make my way to the garage and the Mean Machine. As I put the key into the lock on the garage door I'm aware of a first drop arriving on my specs. I go back into the house, take off my coat & settle down to "The Archers" instead. The Mean machine, my electric scooter, does not appreciate the rain, so there is no point in continuing further. Clearly this is a day I'm not supposed to go to church.

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