Monday, 26 July 2010


Jardin Albert I, Nice

We took this photo of the fabulous roundabout in the park opposite the prom in Nice. At present it is our desktop image. Each time I boot up I'm reminded of the holiday & all the pleasure we had then.

I think it is quite wonderful. As you can see it is old, dated 1900. It is still in use, though they only seem to allow young children on for a ride. Come teatime, the lights come on, the organ grinds.

I love the two tiers & the unusual seats. It looks like a ride for fun rather than scares as so many rides seem to be today. It's a sort of epitome of my ideal of a roundabout.

There is another one of similar vintage in the Allees de la Liberte at Cannes.

They both have that ornate extravagance, typical of the belle epoque era. Magnificent.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

a truly wonderful machine - it seems to proffer a glimpse of a brief optimistic portal into a new century