Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Abortive flying attempt

Once more I'm sore & aching, the result of an abortive attempt at flying.

Yesterday I popped over to the garage for some wine. On the way back I went flying. The bottle of wine crashed onto the back door step, glass sprayed out all around & I lay sprawled on the concrete yard. I did my best to roll out of the path of red wine & glass splinters. I lay then for a while in the rain as I tried to regain my breath & nerves. I looked down at my hand to see it was red, not just with the wine but there was also the scarlet of blood. I struggled up & staggered in, gingerly stepping over the broken glass.

Once inside I shouted "Help! Help!" to the Fox. Then I turned my attention to my hands. Was there glass in it? From the look of my blouse I was covered in muck & the green shards of glass. I rinsed the muck off my hands. No, I couldn't see glass. I nervously touched the sources of the blood. No sharp points, so presumably any glass had washed out. By this time the Fox had appeared & we fought to get a plaster on. (Why do they put plasters in sealed sleeves that are almost impossible to open one handed, especially if you are trying to staunch a flow of blood?)

I got changed. My blouse was filthy. I shook it well outside, hoping to dislodge any glass. My trousers were sodden. I was shaking by this time as shock well and truly set in. Meanwhile
the Fox cleared the glass outside. He then made me some tea, before we both had a lie down to recover from the shock of it all.

My left shoulder has been badly wrenched, making it difficult to reach up. It seemed to ease by the time I went to bed last night, but stiffened up once more by this morning. My left elbow is scuffed so it now catches on any covering clothing. My right shoulder feels bruised, as does my right knee & foot. Both hands have little cuts.

The Fox ended up cooking last night. Fortunately it was a simple bacon & passata sauce with pasta twists. He found another bottle of wine to accompany it.

And I'm trying to take it easy today. I'm telling myself that it could have been worse. No bones are broken. It will all heal given time. But that doesn't stop it being sore, nor does it stop my self-confidence taking a bit of a nose-dive. These little accidents happen too often these days.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

sorry to read that you've been in the wars again and, I really understand your frustration with hermetically sealed plaster wrappers - both ma belle and myself have shared this frustration in recent days.

Wishing you speedy healing!