Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Putting things in pespective

It was great yesterday for it to be warm enough to sit outside to have our meal to the accompaniment of birdsong. Up the far end of the garden I could just see a bit of yellow peeping around an evergreen shrub - our second stand of yellow irises.

To some extent it made up for our various niggles. We were both worried about how the chicken laksa would turn out (for that look at the Fox's blog). On top of which the Fox is suffering with tinnitus at the moment. The persistent ringing is getting him down. It's not helped by the fact he is feeling so blocked up as hay fever season peaks.

As for me, I'm still suffering with a rather sore hand. Last night, while watching the TV, the Fox lovingly took my hand to have me almost flying off up to the ceiling with a yelp of pain. I'm telling myself give it time. It will heal over by itself. Just keep it clean in the meanwhile.

All these are just niggles as I say. A fact that was underlined to us as we heard Dick Gobble at the Pub tell us that he'd just come back from seeing his wife in her second home, the hospital. Poor Jean has been in and out of the hospital with severe stomach pains for well over 6 months now & they still haven't decided what the cause is. She now even has to have morphine injections available at home & yet she still ends up being rushed into hospital. At this rate she will be a morphine addict before they've come to any diagnosis, let alone treatment. Needless to say, the worry is taking its toll on both of them.

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