Thursday, 17 June 2010

Anxious thoughts

I heard the news on the radio at lunchtime - floods in the south of France - but no details. In the afternoon, after a spot of gardening & a catch-up chat with one of our neighbours we adjourned to the pub. Our village pub sports a TV, sound switched off most of the time. It was on a 24 hour news programme. Inevitably pictures of the floods came up. I strained my eyes to see exactly what part of France it was talking about - Draguignan. This really gave us concern. Draguignan is not far from where we holidayed only a few weeks ago. We instantly found ourselves worrying about our hosts, such kind people. Needless to say we made of point of watching the news last night. Only Draguignan was mentioned, not the villages around. We continue to worry

The French Riviera region seems to be having very odd weather at the moment. While we were there, they had unseasonably wet weather. They were commenting then it was "bizarre". Our host was a fireman, more used to coping with forest fires than floods.

We gathered it had snowed there for the first time in a decade or more this winter. And, as for a couple of days before our arrival, a mini-hurricane had hit the coast, devastating much of the coastline. At Nice the big clear-up was still under way. All the on-beach restaurants were just mangled bits of metal & wood rather than tables & chairs.

The bizarre wet weather has obviously continued. Now it seems it's floods.

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