Sunday, 10 January 2010

Food fights

The battle began.

I suppose I ought to start at the beginning. Over the last freezing days, the food on the bird table has gone down. It is too far across ice for me to venture safely at the moment. Mr Blackbird has been coming to sit on the nearby low wall, peering in with a pleading and enquiring eye if I pass a window. My heart has given way. Some bread or other food has gone on the wall and he has duly eaten.

Today a pair of starlings discovered his trick. They waited until I'd put out the food. Then they pounced. Poor Mr Blackbird chased one bird off as the other fed. He turned his attention to the second bird & the first went in to feed. He had to expend an enormous amount of energy chivvying the starlings away before he was left the few crumbs remaining to eat in peace.

At least he was left those to repay his efforts.

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