Monday, 27 July 2009

Quiet day

You will not be surprised to hear I was in bed before 9pm last night, trying to catch up on the sleep lost the night before. Thankfully it was more peaceful this time.

Today is that odd day that comes on the last Monday of the month, when I have nothing definite to do, no food to prepare or anything, as we're off out for dinner tonight. We're going back to our local village pub. It proved so successful there a couple of months ago that we're booked in there again. I find that fact very strange because when I first suggested it as a venue last year, the idea was thrown out very rapidly. Having actually eaten there, opinion has clearly changed.

So I shall have a very quiet morning. I'm thinking I'll start a bit of the Italian course we got from the library last week. Then I'll be off to Castle Philipsburg in Germany via a jigsaw.

I suppose I ought to get back to the holiday insurance people & actually pay for it, but I don't feel like the stress involved. The quotes will stand for 30 days. I'm not intending to start the policy until the beginning of September anyhow. As far as I can see anything that stops us going on holiday before then, we have time to recover enough to still go.

It seems a long time since our last holiday, to the French Pyrenees last October. Since then our only stay away was when we escaped for a few days when the kitchen was being installed - not a particularly restful sojourn. We've not even had the odd weekend away. I know it sounds odd but I am convinced that you need more holidays when you are disabled than when you are working. So we're really looking forward to Pompei in September.

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