Friday, 31 July 2009

I'm having a quick break. This morning has been spent ironing. Next I have yet to get on with the dinner. I was somewhat surprised when the Fox urged me to make a Cheese Pasta Medley today rather than the Creamy Chicken Cobbler I was proposing. Usually he moans we have the cheese pasta too often. I suppose we haven't had one for three weeks now.

We were miffed to discover when we came back from the Pub yesterday that we'd missed a delivery. We suspect it's a guidebook & map we ordered from Amazon. What got to us was that we hadn't left home for the Pub until 3.30pm & this was delivered, or rather failed to be delivered, at 3.45. We must have just missed him. We've arranged for it to be redelivered on Saturday.

I'm looking forward to exploring the area around Pompei in some detail, finding the places we really want to see. It will be easier with the more detailed map of the area to work out how long a journey & therefore how feasible it will be to go. The previous book was a more general one of the whole of Italy rather than the specific area we're visiting.

Admittedly I half expect after all these preparations, we'll get to Pompei, flop out & hardly go out. We seem just so tired & drained after our efforts sorting out the kitchen. Still if that's what happens, that's what happens. We usually end up getting restless pretty soon so a few ideas for little expeditions out are always useful to have sorted out. We'll just decide what to do when when we're actually there, hopefully happily ensconced in our hotel.

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