Friday, 3 July 2009

Early trip

I set off early this morning, down to the fishmongers in the Mean Machine. It's not yet 9am. I'm clearly not the only early one today. One neighbour is just back from his shopping. Another is trimming his hedge. Both trying to get the chores done before it gets too hot.

The forecast is for rain & subsequent coolness. It's overcast, but no worse than it's often been of late. So early in the morning it's still fresh but how long that will last for I'm not sure.

As usual I toodle along the prom. The tide has just turned & is on its way out. The oystercatchers & gulls are amassing, ready for food. I get some shrimps - picked for soup, potted for snack, anchovies for nibbles with an aperitif or a glass of wine in the evening. I come back along the road a bit in order to stop at Tescos for some bread to accompany today's soup. Then I head back to the prom. By now the oystercatchers are busy rootling around in the wet sand & shallow waters. As I turn back off the prom to get home my eye is caught by a flash of bright scarlet. What can this be? A red admiral (butterfly) exploring the shoreline.

A pleasant trip. It was even rather nice to feel a bit on the cool side for once. I'm already starting to break out in a sweat now the morning's progressed.

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