Monday, 13 July 2009

Holiday plans

I'm nearly at the end of my book on Italy. Soon it will be time to settle on a destination & find a hotel/cottage.

I had been quite fired by the idea of Ferrara & the Po delta. We even found a nice looking hotel on the Net. Then we checked the distance to the nearest airport & discovered it's a long drive unless you go from London. We're not prepared to do that.

Our brief experience on the way to & from Canada last year decided us on that. Besides the price of getting to London, the amount of stress & energy required just make it unfeasible. No, we want to fly from the north of England & have an hour/hour an a half journey maximum in Italy. This holiday is for unwinding. We're only thinking of 2 weeks at the most, so there's no point in exhausting ourselves just getting there.

So now, I'm having a rethink. I'm still attracted to the Lakes & the Dolomites. But maybe we should settle for Rome & see the Tivoli gardens. Or around Naples to see Pompei - I still remember studying Pliny's graphic account of the volcanic eruption which caused such destruction, when I was doing Latin at school - & the Amalfi coast. Or maybe we should go to Sicily & see the numerous spectacular Greek ruins there.

Decisions. Decisions.

Then, last night, the Fox sees Sir Trevor MacDonald in Montserrat & wonders whether we should just wait & go for Christmas in the Caribbean instead!!

We'll see...

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