It's typical! Yesterday I did some washing. The ground was wet, the sky overcast. As a result I hung the washing up in the laundry room & it stayed dry, eventually turning quite sunny in the afternoon. So today I do some more washing. The ground is wet, the sky overcast. I decide to hang the washing up outside on the line, confident that the day will do as yesterday. Result - by 10.15am I'm rushing outside to get the washing in as the rain comes pouring down. There are times you just can't win.
Still at least yesterday's meal out was a great success. The food was good & the laughter resounded around the room. Fran is right. Friends are very precious, to be treasured. Older members of family are no more, &, as you get older, increasingly contemporaries die too. And anyhow it doesn't follow, even if you do still have family, children even, that you have much in common with them beyond blood. Friends, on the other hand, you choose. It is to friends you turn for support & cheer in bad times, to share celebrations in good times, & in your turn you offer your love & support when they need help. Very precious people indeed.
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