Thursday, 14 May 2009

Autumn returns

After doing the shopping we decide to adjourn to the village pub. A bit of a reward for getting the chore done. And anyway, the casserole is in the oven & that will switch itself on without our tender ministrations.

As we venture in I can't help being struck by the pile of dried dead leaves in the doorway. It's more like autumn than spring! The wind has obviously blown them in through the outer door.

We settle down to our drinks. The temperature seems to be dropping, the sky darkening as though for rain. Definitely more like autumn than spring! I can't help overhearing a couple of ladies on the other side of the room, expressing similar feelings.

So where's the BBQ summer we were promised not so long ago? With May any signs of it seem to have disappeared.

Our conversation moves towards the idea of holidays. We have been half-thinking of staying in Britain this year, Scotland maybe. If it stays like this, we conclude, somewhere a bit warmer & sunnier will be required. Portugal to remind MK of some of his good times, as we relate our holiday adventures to him when we return. Or Italy. Or maybe just back to France. Or perhaps even the Caribbean. One of my relatives is booked for Cuba. It's so much cheaper there than Europe with the exchange rate being what it is. We came to no very definite conclusions, just further dreams.

More immediately we're back to waiting. We shocked ourselves by buying a new dining table & chairs at the second shop we visited on Tuesday. This is a big deal for us. Not only have we decided so quickly, but it is the first time in our life we've been in a position to buy dining furniture we like. We've always previously had to put up with hand-me-downs, reflecting other people's tastes rather than ours.
Something that will do. The new table & chairs are coming this morning.

Then this afternoon someone is coming to measure up the windows in the kitchen for the new blinds. Assuming we can find a design we like, that means in another week or so the new kitchen will be complete & we will be breaking out some champers to celebrate. And we can turn our thoughts to more normal things - holidays, the garden, wildlife, our friends......


Malcolm said...

and this time it's the size of the font - I had to use zoom level of at least 150% - thanks for the colour adjustment on the earlier posting!

Happy dining and champering!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

I'm not sure what happened to the font size, Malcolm. I did type it in on large size as usual. I, too, was shocked by the results. Despite my best efforts the font wouldn't increase. I'll continue trying for large I promise. The Vixen.