Tuesday 22 December 2020

News from hospitals

I was just off to get changed for bed, around 7pm, last night when the phone went. Who now? I changed directions & went for the phone. The Fox doesn’t like phones much, & anyway he was busy washing up after dinner, so I answered it. It's usually for me.


I couldn’t believe it. It was the hospital ringing to tell me I have an appointment tomorrow for a CT scan. I knew I was expecting such a call but not at that time of night! Still it’s as well it’s sorted as I’m supposed to be getting the results at the end of the month.


This was not the only medical news. Earlier in the day I received a letter from Christie’s confirming my appointment next month & giving me a bit more information about what is involved.


What pleased me most was seeing that they reckon on average 1 in 6 people benefit from the treatment. Considering they only take on people who do not respond well to existing treatments that sounds good odds to me, better than I was expecting. So now all I have to do is convince them at the interview that I am in reasonably good general health, that I am strong enough to cope with anything they might try on me, so they take me on & then be the one who does well with the treatment whatever it is.


I can see it being quite tiring if they do take me on. From the blurb they do keep a close eye on you to check for any signs of reactions, good or bad. It seems I may end up going down to Manchester every week, sometimes even staying in overnight.


We’ll see. Between an anti-coronavirus vaccine & possible treatment at Christie’s I’m feeling more optimistic about 2021. If nothing else it can’t be much more of a wash-out than 2020.


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