Wednesday 23 December 2020

Done & over

The CT scan is done. They assure me the results should arrive in time for my next appointment at oncology.


The scan went incredibly quickly. The staff recognised me from a previous visit. They remembered their difficulty putting in a cannula in me with the result she went in first time. They quickly went through all the questions, concerning allergies etc. I answered as quickly. They raced through the explanation of what was happening, knowing I could remember. All very quick. We were soon home, eating our scrambled eggs.


On a sadder note, I heard that my cousin Pat, the one with pancreatic cancer, died yesterday.  In other times I would have gone to her funeral but Loughborough is a long way from here. We would have to have an overnight stay - no easy thing to find when so any places are shut down due to Covid-19 – let alone finding food. On top of which I may by then be starting trials with Christie’s. They certainly may be wanting me to self-isolate. We’ll just have to see. One of her daughters will ring to let me know when it is happening, so I can at least think & pray for her when the time comes.


Christmas seems such a miserable time for death to stalk. We seem to know, or know of, so many people have died at this time. Somehow the mourners, especially those very close to the deceased can never forget the association of the loss of their loved one & Christmas/New Year. The sadness of it all is exaggerated by the joyousness of so many other people around celebrating. I suppose it is inevitable. Christmas does come midwinter when days are dark, morale is low. It’s cold & miserable even in the best of years.




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