Tuesday 8 December 2020


I look along the garden. I’m struck by how the yellow winter jasmine covering some of the left hand side of the garden by the far lawn echoes the bright yellow of the mahonia on the right. Both are so cheering on a grey wet day like today.


Yesterday I put my mind to the question of what to make for dinner today. We’re once more using up from the freezer. So yesterday turned into Spicy Prawns & Chorizo, cooked by the Fox, to use up some chorizo. The challenge for today is half a tin of condensed mushroom soup. How about using it to fill an omelette? Or bake some cod in it? I flicked through a hand-written recipe book, when it suddenly dawned upon me it’s ages since we had a Flan Ahead. This recipe can use either tinned tuna or pilchards. A quick rummage in the cupboard established we only had tuna in so tuna it will be.


We seem to be having a rather fishy phase. Sunday saw us having tinned kippers. Yesterday was prawns. Today will be tinned tuna. I’m hoping to buy some hake later in the week to make a risotto. And then there will be the other half a tin of tuna to use up. Definitely a fishy week but at least it is a variety of fish. All quite different meals.


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