Saturday 21 November 2020


They’re everywhere. Just out of the corner of my eye there’s something shimmering - a silver hair.


My hair loss is in full flow now. I spend about half an hour in the morning just combing out the loose hair & removing any hair that has fallen on my clothes. I do the same in the evening before I go to bed. When I get changed before bed I just clean off the hair so my clothes in theory should be hairfree for the following day or for the washing machine.


Nonetheless I seem to spend most of my day picking hair off clothes, cushions, furniture, the Fox etc. I go outside to discover hair attached to the outside door handle. Hair lurks among the jigsaw pieces. I try to sleep at night to find myself choking on hair from the sheet.


Is there no end to it? I feel I’m being haunted by these silvery filaments. Occasionally there’s a dark hair but it is usually the silver ones that gleam in the light that catch my eye. Each time I look down there’s another one.


I commented to the district nurse my hair was falling out rapidly now. Her reply was not to worry. My hair was still thicker than hers. It’s just as well.


I sometimes think I should just have it shaved off, or at least have it cut very short, when the hairdressers’ reopen. But I would like to avoid wearing the tea cosy, my wig, if possible. And it has to be admitted it’s possibly easier to pick off long hairs than very short ones, especially with neuropathy affecting my fingers. We’ll see.


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