Saturday 11 April 2020

Purple toes

Some time ago, mid-Jan at a guess, I stubbed my big toe. The nail then became a glorious purpley black – a side effect of the chemo. Lately the nail has taken to exuding pus. It’s not particularly painful, it just looks horrible. I’ve taken to squeezing as much pus out as possible by pressing down on the nail. As the pus comes out, the nail is turning to a more normal colour. Even now a quarter of the nail remains very dark.

Some of my other nails, on feet & hands, have gained a nicotine colour even though I’m not a smoker. 

As for the neuropathy, that continues to irritate both fingers & toes. It’s not so bad in my fingers but my toes are a different question. I’ve had to resort to some painkillers specially designed for nerve damage to make it more tolerable. I’m beginning to wonder when I will ever be rid of the side effects of the 3 months of chemo.

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