Thursday 23 April 2020

No dragons

We have heat! Three cheers. The heating engineer was back. Apparently the ignition electrodes needed replacing. I’m still nervously checking the boiler is coming on when it is supposed to, but so far so good.

After the engineer left, we ventured to the shops. That’s right, WE went. Now I am “moderately” vulnerable I am allowed out provided I keep to the social distancing rules.

It really was quite remarkable to turn the bend in the street to discover the world didn’t just end in an abrupt cliff edge, nor was it a land inhabited by dragons.

Along one road it was noticeable how many more cars than normal were parked. Then I realised these houses had no garages. The residents were clearly at home rather than at work, using their cars to get there.

On to the prom. Here I was surprised to see how many people there were. Admittedly they all seemed to be exercising - walking, jogging or cycling. The Fox had suggested leaving me there so I could enjoy a push along the prom & see the Bay, so much a part of the last 45 years of my life. However, seeing so many people being out, criss-crossing or passing one another so closely, I concluded this was too dangerous for me. If I am in my wheelchair unaccompanied, I become a magnet for people offering me help whether I want it or not.

Instead we went on to the supermarket car park. The Fox parked away from the store, where there were few other vehicles. He got my wheelchair out.

While he went to do the shopping I had a bit of a push around the car park. I was keen to see if my shoulder was up to push myself. Since being at home I haven’t used my wheelchair – I walk/hobble around my home confident that inside there is always something to grab hold of if I feel my balance is going & outside the Fox is usually with me. I’m glad to say all went well, though my shoulder is aching a bit today I suspect from the extra & different exercise.

The supermarket is in a small precinct. First I went along to see the plants in Homebase. The shop may be closed but still I could see through to the out of shop part of plants. It seemed to be mainly forsythia. There was a beautiful large white clematis. At the end of the line some lovely magnolias.

I then went past the Next shop. I discovered they now sell furniture & not just the fashion, particularly fashion aimed at young people, I associate the shop with. Next I headed back, uphill, towards the supermarket to look at the “Click & Collect” stands & work out they operated. I then returned to the car. All that time I’d only passed two people, coming from the store, & was able to leave able distancing.

I had taken my book with me. As the sun was shining, I sat at the side of the car to read while I waited for the Fox’s return. I looked anxiously at anyone approaching me in case I needed to make a hasty retreat.

It was fascinating just seeing all those people. More people than I expected seem to be walking or cycling to the shop to combine their exercise with the essential food shop. I realised the supermarket is clearly using some people with estate cars/hatchbacks for delivery work. Great trolleys of trays of bagged food were being emptied into them – far more than any single person would need.

It was good to get home & unpack. The Fox was relieved to find the shelves had been fuller. He even managed to get a choice of eggs, a rarity these days. He saw a packet of flour, admittedly not the sort we wanted, but nonetheless that was more than he’s seen in weeks.

It was good to get out a bit even though we saw none to speak to, though the Fox did chat a little to the person on the till as he usually does. It was good to see there is still life around the corner of our street. I had begun to wonder. But it would be truly wonderful to be able to go shopping again. Much as I always found food shopping a bore, I do prefer to do it myself. I daresay the day will come eventually.


Malcolm said...

Pleased you enjoyed your venture out into the great unknown. We're getting used to seeing more runners and joggers as we take Piper for his afternoon constitutional.

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Good to hear you're both getting out & about. Love the Vixen