Saturday 25 January 2020

What a day!

What a waste of a day!

Friday is the day for PICC maintenance. Even though I’m not at present receiving chemotherapy, the line needs regularly cleaning to ensure it doesn’t get infected. The district nurse comes to the house unless I have a hospital appointment on that day in which case I get it done there.

I waited and waited, not daring to settle to anything much. Eventually, at around 11.30am I rang to see if they were actually coming. Oh yes, but they were behind time. They should arrive about 2ish. So much for joining our friends at the club, I thought. I rang them to let them know we would be late.

Eventually nearer 3pm than 2, two nurses arrived. They took off the old dressing, tried to take out a little blood. Nothing. Yet again they rang Oncology. Yet again they strapped me up & sent me off to the hospital to have it done there.

It was quickly done there. However, it was after 4pm by the time we got out of there & rush hour had begun. By the time we got to the club it was 4.45ish. Needless to say our friends had departed long ago. Nonetheless we stopped & had a couple of drinks to unwind.

It was fortunate the Fox had partly cooked a Cassoulet the night before so dinner needed just adding some breadcrumbs & reheating.

The whole idea of the nurses coming here is to save us the stress & fatigue caused by the extra trip in Lancaster. The last three times they’ve been, they’ve not been able to do it & we’ve ended up rushing into Lancaster. At least they’ve usually arrived in the morning so our afternoon has been free. Yesterday was entirely wasted.

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