Wednesday 24 April 2019

Curiouser & curiouser

Yesterday we made this week’s hospital trip. This time it was to Neurology.

I wasn’t that impressed when I was told the name of where the department is located in the hospital – Bromley Corridor. I had visions of literally a corridor, with people passing to & fro while you were being examined. It wasn’t quite that bad.

It was a door off the corridor. Inside was a very small waiting room. The Fox, a fairly tall man, sat almost literally knee to knee with another man sat opposite. Such proximity was certainly conducive for familiarity. By the time I was called in we were having a nice chat with the husband of the person before who’d gone in before me - he was from Burneside - & the wife of another patient – she was from Kendal.

We both went into the examination room. The Fox watched bemused as various electrical impulses were shot up my arms & legs, causing fingers, thumbs, toes, even whole hands & feet to twitch & jerk in reaction. The conclusion at the end of the day was that my nerves all seem to be working fine, no trapped nerves. We’re no clearer as to what caused my problem earlier this month that landed me on the stroke ward. I suppose we can say one possible cause has been eliminated. This doctor was utterly bemused by what had happened then. Now I wait again to hear from the doctor I was put under in the stroke unit to discover what else he thinks may have happened. I half expect to yet have that MRI scan I didn’t have while I had my hospital stay & find I did indeed have a stroke. Meanwhile the end of my little finger continues to feel odd, but at least I’ve got my grip back & that is the most important thing.

Next week we have two hospital trips – Dermatology for the Fox & Rheumatology for my Dexascan (bone density scan). Needless to say they are on different days so that’s two trips into Lancaster. 

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