Thursday 4 April 2019

A wonderful person

We continue to try to get our bearings back. Somehow life before Sunday seems weeks away. I’m desperately trying to remember what food we have in the house. We’re going to do the shopping today. It’s not our normal day so that doesn’t help us feel we’re back to normal. But my, are we rejoicing in the fact I’m safely home again, even if my finger is still not back to normal.

It was a better funeral than many. There must have been 200 people there. She was much loved. It convinced me a civil ceremony is what I want when the time comes. As far as I can see a funeral is for the living, &, as most of my friends do not have strong religious affiliations, I can see little reason why I should inflict my religious views upon them. I would sooner my friends & family share my enthusiasms & remember me as I am. So far I’ve felt religious services seem to be taken by people who’ve made very little effort to get to know the deceased.

Marney, the deceased in this case, was a wonderful woman, warm & welcoming. She was president of the golf club until literally the day before she died. She was nearly 90, but had hoped to live until 2027 when she would have been a member of the golf club for 50 years & so entitled to free membership. She ran the golf club as though it was her home. She always stopped to chat to everyone who was in the clubhouse whenever she was in. Apparently in her youth she had played for her country in both hockey & cricket. She taught sport at school. Her other occupations were more surprising. She was roadie for the folk group, The Spinners, in the 60s when they did their tours. She ran a music bar in Liverpool for a while. She even had a song written inspired by her. All in all she was a wonderful person who will be greatly missed.

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