Wednesday 5 March 2014

Signs of improvement

It’s a quiet morning for me. The Fox has made a shepherd’s pie for this evening. It’s big food shop day so we need something quick & easy to do when we get back tired & aching from the shop.

Yesterday we had a stroll round Heysham village to try out our new camera, making the most of that strange thing, a sunny day. We soon discovered we’d forgotten the controls. 

However, it was good to discover that the Fox managed the walk uphill to the ancient St Peter’s church & back down to the pub without undue discomfort, even though he’d had to push me.

Maybe the physiotherapy is doing something. Last week he was strapped up. At present the strapping is off but we were given some extra material to re-strap him after a few days break if he found any improvement. He took the strapping off as his skin was going very red & he was very anxious there may be going to be problems. We still remember when I was given some hyperfix, the material used for the strapping, to strap up me knees. When the hyperfix came off so did my skin. The GP suspected there had been an allergic reaction causing the skin to blister under the strapping, so when the strapping came off so did the skin. However, with the Fox the skin remained in place. I’ve suggested he re-strap himself up today so hopefully pushing the supermarket trolley around won’t be as great an ordeal as it’s been of late.

Of course, part of the improvement may well be due to the improvement in the weather. I know from experience, my arthritic aches are always worse when it’s damp and it’s certainly been wet this winter.

Even the exercises the Fox has been doing seem to be making some improvement. Although he can’t quite say it helps, he certainly feels worse when he fails to do them. It’s sufficient to encourage him to persevere.

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