Friday 14 March 2014

Much excitement & much done

It’s been a busy couple of days with much done.

Wednesday lunchtime the garden designer turned up (without pre-calling). He was horrified by the state of our garden after the storms.The actual makeover has had to be delayed  due to all the bad weather, so he won't get here until June probably. In the meantime he’s going to send someone round in the next fortnight to at least remove the fallen trees, make sure any remaining ones are safe & secure the boundaries so we have some privacy until they can do the main job.

The primary reason for his visit was to bring us a list of the proposed planting to see if there’s anything we feel we need changing, either because we can’t stand what’s been proposed, or there’s a favoured plant that’s not been enclosed. He’s also given us a website to look at for a possible garden ornament.

Since then I’ve been looking at the plans, boggling over the sheer number of plants. There’s 500 narcissus in one little plot! Some things appeal greatly. There’s going to be a pergola draped with wisteria. Next to it will be some sweetly scented mock orange – heavenly. Most things I think of can be found somewhere. As all the plants are shown with their Latin names, my next job is going to be to work out what all the plants are but it is looking very exciting. There’s blue & white irises, lavender galore, an area for wild flowers – it’s seems to have the lot.

Linda, our home help, came to clean yesterday. She’s almost more excited about our garden than we are.

Just as she was going the phone rang. It’s the bathroom people. Our toilet seat had worked loose. As their showroom is just round the corner from the hospital, we’d popped in on Monday after the Fox’s physio session. They said they’d send someone, probably on Friday. We asked if he could also put up a couple of small glass shelves while he was here. No problem. They would put in an order for the shelves immediately.

You can imagine my surprise then to get a call on Thursday. The man was on his way. Soon the seat was repaired, the shelves were up.

He was amazed that the bathroom was nearly 3 years old. He thought it was nearer 9 months from the state it was in. I couldn’t help saying that was the wonder of having a Linda. She certainly knows how to put a sparkle on everything. The room shines more now than when it was first installed. He wondered if Linda would like to come & do for his mother, who has MS. I’ll mention it to Linda, just to let her know how much her efforts are appreciated.

The afternoon was then spent at the library & collecting the Fox’s medication.

All the chores have been done so now I can settle down to the garden designs & the plantings. I want to work out what everything is, what will flower when, what colours, either from the flowers or seasonal variation of leaf, there are. 

I’m eager to get on, though it won’t stop me being ready to go off to the golf club for our regular bacon butty & meet up with friends.


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