Monday, 5 December 2011

Small world

Yesterday we were both shocked by the news of the discovery of a Second World bomb, still live, being found in the Rhine near Koblenz.  Before this year I don't think I'd even heard of Koblenz.

It was one of our stops on our Rhine cruise in September. We didn't observe any bombs sticking out of the water then. It sounds as though the Rhine, low then, must have got even lower. The idea we may have hit the bomb, setting it off, is a little disturbing. It must have been big one to have necessitated evacuating such a large part of the city. Mind you it isn't so long ago a Nazi bomb, still live, was found a couple of streets away from us, just outside a school.  It takes a long time to clear away the aftermath of war, with many innocent lives caught in the middle.

That trip to Germany now seems long away. Instead we are forecast snow for today. It's certainly cold, though warmer than it has been, wet & windy.  Definitely not my image of holiday weather.

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