Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Getting back to normal

The snow never arrived, though we did hear there was a white out not far away, in Kendal. It looks a brighter day today so hopefully it won't arrive today either.

So far I've done nothing but prepare for dinner today. We're having a goose quiche. This is an adaptation of a recipe I've had for a while. The original recipe is for a turkey quiche, but as it's leftover goose I've got, I'll just swap over the meats. I've done it before & it works well.

Tomorrow we will be doing the big food shop. We haven't had a big shop for weeks. I've only just started to tackle the meat we bought at the last Farmers' Market. Everything was put on hold, or rather in the freezer, until the worst of the cold was over. It's somewhat alarming to realise the next such market is on Thursday & I've not even thought what we want. This will be the last market this year. There won't be another until the end of January so I'd better get my thinking cap on.

All in all it's quite alarming to realise how quickly Christmas will be upon us. It's losing the couple of weeks due to ill-health with this terrible cold. (I'm still coughing & blowing, though I'm over the worst now; the Fox seems virtually back to normal again.) 

We're looking forward to 2012 with hope. 2011 has been a bad year for us, one we'd like to put behind us for good. 

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