Thursday, 26 May 2011

A young pretender

I've come to the conclusion that the starlings have not come to nest here. No, they seemed to have moved house, bringing their youngsters with them. I can only presume our garden provides better, and easier, feeding opportunities than wherever they nested. Now we seem to have an almost permanent cacophony of rather raucous voices. 

When we're eating is a particularly noisy time. We watch parent birds flying into the trees, their beaks full of worms etc. They seem to have overflowed into a willow tree, with a thinner leaf coverage. There you see the youngsters being fed.

One youngster ventured along onto the garage roof yesterday. It stood very upright, stretching its neck up looking around. It seemed to be pretending to be a meerkat. After a while the strain was too much & he lowered his upper body into a more bird-like stance.

We're off later this morning, away from the squawks, to the Farmers' Market to see what goodies we can find. I'm hoping for some salt marsh lamb for today's dinner as well as some cheese, beef & sausages for later in the week. We'll see. I may be tempted to other things too!  A bit of pork maybe. The quality of the meats is usually excellent & the prices reasonable. Without having the middle man to pay, the farmers sell at a similar price to the supermarkets while giving you higher quality. Great.

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