Friday, 11 December 2009

Life's ups & downs

It's a winter wonderland outside. I've just been out in my electric scooter to the Farmers' Market. I passed neighbours scraping away at their car windscreens. Everywhere is iced over. The bright sunlight is catching on the ice crystals giving a real sparkle to everything - far better than any Christmas lights. As I go pass one house, a stream of steam lifts from the pavement. They've obviously got the same problem we had earlier this week - a blocked drain. The hot water from a washing machine was pouring out of a pipe in the wall, into the drain, to overflow & run down the steep slope of the drive down to the drain in the road. The red berries of the cotoneasters that tumble across the walls are all frosted with glitter. Quite spectacular.

By the time I got home my spirits were soaring. They soon got dampened. A few phone calls can soon do that. Den is to be operated on today. They found a lump in his throat that has to go. Then I rang PD. He sounds only marginally better than yesterday. At least I tried to reassure him he was valued by many around him.

Oh well that's life! At least, although my spirits are down, they are not unhealthily so. No more than the inevitable consequence of all the stresses of this year. For all that I questioned the value of my two years of talking to an empty chair, it does seem to have left me more able to cope with things, with life & what it throws at me. For that I am grateful.


Malcolm said...

It really is most important to treasure those magical moments - appreciate what we've got rather than lamenting that which we've lost. I know it's much easier said than done but, I really found this post uplifting in spite of the shadows of mortality. Perhaps it's only because of mortality we are able to place value on the fact of simply being here!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

I entirely agree with you Malcolm. It is these little joys, usually coming free, that keep you going through the darker times. The Vixen