Thursday, 3 December 2009

A change of plan

I thought I'd just ring the funeral company to find the details of Wilf's funeral. I was astounded to discover it is this morning. That decides me. We're not going. I'm not rushing to get changed in order to get to the crem in time. I don't think the Fox will appreciate the idea either, so I'm not even letting him know the details. I will simply think of Wilf & his wife, now widow, at the appropriate time.

It certainly is quick! Wilf only died on Friday. The newspaper didn't officially come out until yesterday.

It is probably as well. I always find the wait between a death & the subsequent funeral a strange period of being in limbo, a time when life is on hold. It's difficult to get on with the job of adjusting to life without the deceased. It must be all the worse for someone like Wilf's widow. They had been married over 50 years. I'm glad she hasn't had to face a long wait.

It's once more a suitably wet & dark day. I had planned to get out the Mean Machine (my electric scooter), for the first time since we got back from Italy in early October, & venture down the prom to the fish shop for something for dinner. That will have to wait until this afternoon when I can go in the dry in the car.

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