Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Not again

It's back again. The Fox reckons he's back to a sore throat & snuffles. As the morning continues I'm aware I'm sneezing, bog-eyed & blowing. I'm telling myself I'm just overtired & will be fine. I just hope so. We both want to be well, & quick.

Yesterday we got our holiday tickets. It finally feels as though we're going. The Fox is having cold feet. He watched a programme on Naples. It reckoned it was one of the most violent, filthy, crime-ridden cities in Europe. I point out we're not thinking of visiting Naples much. That's just the airport. We're off to Pompei & the Amalfi Coast. Admittedly, if we have a wet day, I had thought we might visit one of the museums in Naples. If we don't like the looks of the place we can go elsewhere. All the most recent guidebooks agree it is considerably better than it used to be. And if you stay in the well-lit, busy parts of the city you should avoid the crime.

Despite my usual feelings about cooking & colds, today we're having fresh tuna for dinner. We bought it yesterday. By the time we got home from the shop & put things away, we both felt too tired to cook. We went down to the local pub, where we were joined by our friends, Den & Fran. They'd been having some building work done & were equally escaping from the kitchen. It turned into a very pleasant meal.

Fortunately the fish is well dated. It won't take long to quickly fry this evening. I've already coated it with sesame seeds & made a spicy dressing accompany it. No mattter how our health progresses through the day, we should be able to manage to complete the meal.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

wishing you both a speedy recovery!