Monday, 14 September 2009

Back to normal cooking

Isn't it typical? Now the Fox is almost better again & I can get back to living life normally, the sun disappears. The last few days I've been itching to go out in the Mean Machine or into the garden, making the most of the glorious sunshine & blue skies. Now that I feel I can afford the energy to do such things, the skies are once more grey & overcast. But, at least, I can rejoice in the fact the Fox is so much better. He even managed to cook us one of his Kipper & Egg Kedgerees last night.

I have got as far as scraping some new potatoes for today's meal. We're back in the land of more imaginative food. Scallops today, on a bed of potatoes & leeks in cream. I'm once more confident the Fox can give a hand if needed. and he's certainly up to making the pots of tea through the day.

Now I'm hastily using up the food I bought before he was taken ill. Cooking has been put on hold during his ill-health. The cream in today's meal is passed its use by date. It tasted fine yesterday, but it does need to be used up quick. The half cucumber to go with the fresh tuna has largely turned to mush, so that meal will wait until I next go shopping. The tomatoes for a salsa to go with some fish goujons still look fine. They can wait until tomorrow.

One thing this hiatus in our usual cooking means is that we will not have to do another major shop until we get back from Italy. Until then we will just use the planned meals I haven't got around to doing, topped up with a few items from the freezer. There's no point in buying much fresh food to go to waste while we're away. The holiday will soon be upon us & I'm looking forward to it with eager anticipation.

Oh, yes, we did get to the concert. We did seriously question if the effort was worth it. The sight of the beam on Mr P's face when he saw us arrive, his eager telling Christian we were here & the latter's
beam, made it all seem worthwhile. And, after a nervous start, the music wasn't half bad too!

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