Wednesday 9 September 2009

Sunny day

It comes as a shock to get up to blue skies this morning. It seems a long time since this last happened. I've hastily got the washing out to dry. I'm itching to go out. My first urge is to do a bit gardening but the ground is so wet it's impossible. Yesterday, between showers, I did manage to cut down the fennel before they scattered seeds everywhere. The smell of aniseed was wondrous.

My second thought is to go on a trip in the Mean Machine. I would go to the fish shop but we're going supermarket food shopping this afternoon. I've already bought some chicken for today. That's going in a lemony garlic marinade, with a bit of chilli to spice things up a bit. A spell in the grillit pan this evening should mean a quick tasty meal no matter how tired we are after the shop & getting our purchases put away.

Still the weather forecast is hopeful so maybe I'll get some fish tomorrow.

Maybe I'll just get as far as completing the tidying of the front garden. The echinacea I planted not so longer ago is looking as though it needs a dead-heading. That shouldn't be too tiring to mean I can't cope with the shop this afternoon. And maybe it will satisfy that urge to be out & doing on a gloriously sunny day. And at the moment any sunny day is glorious!

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