Friday, 10 April 2009


It was with some relief that we discover the jacket potato worked. The inside was really soft & fluffy. The skin could have been better. I'll obviously have to have a go at combining the oven or grill with the microwave. That way we should get a crispier finish. It was definitely a lot faster than the conventional oven method.

I will admit I've always resisted the idea of a microwave. I could see the usefulness of a defrost setting, but then I can usually remember in plenty of time to get the meat, fish or whatever out of the freezer so it will have thawed at room temperature in time for me to cook.

I could see the advantage for ready meals, but we rarely have ready meals.

As for scrambled eggs they don't take much longer cooked on the hob. I have a wonderful pan to use on the hob that just needs a quick wipe over with kitchen paper, so there's not even a difficult pan to clean afterwards.

The one thing I did think a microwave would be useful for is jacket potatoes. Last night's meal would confirm this advantage. I suspect we may have more jackets in future. We do enjoy them for snacks & they make a pleasant change as the potato part of a meal.

I am much encouraged. I'm intending to try doing a few meals from scratch in the microwave, real cooking. Their success will decide whether I shall use the microwave a lot, or whether it becomes relegated for use for jacket potatoes & warming things up. I know I will get use out of it as a fan oven & a grill. I'm just not sure about the microwave side of things.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Congratulations on your 'jacket' success but, most importantly, I just popped by to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!