Sunday 30 November 2008

It's another fabulous morning - all white. Today everything is covered in a hard white crust of frost. No fog today, just brilliant blue skies. Just after 9am I venture into the garden to feed the birds. I look at the thermometer attached to the shed wall, -12C. Brr. I go to put the empty bit of foil in the rubbish bin. It's impossible to open it. The lid is frozen down. Even now, nearly noon, the world remains white. The windscreen of our car is just a sheet of ice. I had intended to go to church but this is too cold for me to venture out in the Mean Machine, my electric scooter, & it's too slippery underfoot to contemplate going by car & walking sufficiently to get to & from the boot for my wheelchair. For all the cold it is beautiful though. Everything seems to gleam. Jack Frost has drawn all sorts of elaborate patterns on the bodywork of the cars in the street. The grass is bejewelled, as are the top of the hedges. Cobwebs become diamond necklaces, so delicate.

For all my enthusiasm, though, it's another day for us to stay put inside, in the warmth. Still Sunday is usually chore day so there's plenty to keep us occupied. And I'm certainly looking forward to the chilli con corned beef the Fox has promised to make for dinner tonight. A good bit of spice will be just the ticket.

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