Monday, 10 November 2008

Along the promenade

It's wild out there! I've just come back from a trip on my electric buggy, the Mean Machine, down to the fish shop.

I was aware of the wind even as I made my way to the promenade, but it really hits you when you arrive there. The sea is a dark, brooding, muddy grey. Great rollers are in evidence today. Across the Bay, the Lakeland fells try to loom on the misty horizon.

I head off in the direction of the shops. One man is walking his dog. He encourages the animal to go down the ramp towards the beach - obviously a favourite playground. I think the idea is to ensure the dog does not disturb me, or I him. Whatever the reason, the dog thinks it's wiser not to go for a paddle today & looks pleadingly at his owner. I carry on.

Now I come to a stony outcrop. The high piping sound of the oystercatchers tells me the tide must be about to turn. They are gathering, ready for meal time when that happens.

I turn the corner. Now the wind is really behind the tide. The rollers crash on the shore & rocks that form the breakwater. Spume leaps several feet in the air. Drama indeed.

Further on, I see a lone windsurfer. I hope he's a good swimmer. If he loses balance, I wouldn't fancy his chances of swimming in that tide if he isn't.

Finally I get to the shop, buy the cod for the fish pie I'm making for this evening, along with some potted shrimps just because they're utterly irresistible. I set off back home along the prom. By now, it's possible to see that the tide is slowly moving out. It's still wild. Now I'm going into the wind myself. More oystercatchers have arrived. The stone jetty is covered with them. Some gulls are circling overhead. The sun briefly peaks its head out. The scene is transformed as the white on top of the waves almost glistens against the steely grey of the sea.

I love living near the sea. You never know what you'll find. Its mood seems to change from minute to minute. Nonetheless, I'm glad to be home now, in the warmth, with a hot mug of tea to thaw me out again.


Malcolm said...

Pleased that you've got back into the daily blogging habit - I had to keep wiping the tears from eyes as I turned once more into the blustery wind whilst reading this account.

Keep up the good work!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Glad you appreciated my stroll along the prom,even if it did bring tears to your eyes. The Vixen