Wednesday 24 March 2021

So tired

Everything seems to take so much longer to do these days. Even the basic business of getting up, dressed, hair tidied, teeth brushed, face & hands washed, getting the kettle on for some tea takes ages. By the time I’ve had chance to drink that tea two hours have passed. Everything just takes so much effort. I seem to be dragging myself around like an old woman.


Most nights I seem to spend twelve hours in bed & yet I still feel the need for a lunchtime/afternoon nap. It seems ridiculous & yet I remember the widow of a friend who died of cancer last year, commenting in his later days he seemed to spend three quarters of his time asleep or at least lying down. So is this just a reflection of the stage my cancer is getting to?


It seems quite strange to me. I admit I always appreciated my sleep time. However, when I was awake I used to be full of energy, raring to go. No longer. I’m just permanently tired, either due to pain or the side effects of the painkillers. I just snooze on.


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