Yesterday turned into a very different sort of day from the one I’d expected.
I was determined that the first thing I was going to do was write a blog continuing the theme of the wind of the day before.
On Monday the Fox went off to get some fish for dinner. The people who own the shop have their own boat & sell what they catch, especially the delicious sweet brown, Morecambe Bay shrimps, most of which they pot in their secret recipe butter. The previous night the owner had been woken by a friend in the middle of the night with the news that the wind was blowing fiercely, his boat had worked loose of its moorings & looked like it may smash against the rocky foreshore at any time. Needless to say, he’d had to hastily dress & go to the rescue.
My disruption was the arrival of our gardener. I was just adjusting to that when a couple of friends rang to say they were intending to come round for a bit in the afternoon. We hastily got tables & chairs out. It was a lovely hour or so sat outside in the warmth with friends, we’ve not had chance to see properly for months – a real pleasure.
I had been going to have another try at supermarket shopping with the Fox, but by the time our friends had left I was ready for a nap & that was it.
So today, as it is another mild day, another couple of friends are coming over. They’ve never seen our back garden. We’ve talked a lot about it so I hope it isn’t too much of a disappointment. But I’m sure it will be lovely to see another couple of friends again who we’ve not properly seen since lockdown last year. Lovely.