Thursday 6 February 2020

In need of hope

I discovered a crocus coming into flower in the front garden. It’s a yellow & brown striped one. It must be one of the new bulbs we put in this last autumn. Previously we’ve only had dark purple & gold ones.

The garden is showing signs of hope as plants wake up for the coming season. We’re feeling in need of something positive at the moment.

Yesterday we heard our cruising friend has once more been in hospital. Since hearing he had incurable lung cancer, he seems to have given up all fight. He’s not eating much. He’s lost over 2 stone in the last few weeks. I fear we have a funeral coming up before Easter arrives the way he is going. His wife meanwhile is looking more & more drawn as she tries to cope with doing everything on her own. The family has been coming up more often but that just adds pressure on her as she is the sort of person who has to have an immaculate house for visitors, even family. They also prefer her food to eating out which means extra shopping – usually his job – as well as extra cooking.

As for me, I rang the Breast Clinic yesterday to report what the oncologist had to say. In the process I discover the surgeon is once more in India – a family member died just before Christmas - & he’s left no means of communicating with him while he’s there. No-one seems to have temporarily taken over his patients in his absence. Nor is he available to recommend a surgeon from whom to receive a second opinion. Great!

Having said that a great thud has just resounded – the post. There is a letter from the hospital. They’ve managed to contact the surgeon & a referral has been made to Christie’s hospital in Manchester for next week. Maybe after all, the surgeon here has not been totally irresponsible. We’ll see what happens when we get there.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

The signs of Spring are certainly a welcome symbol of hope! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.