Tuesday 4 February 2020

Chore day

Yesterday turned into a catch up day. We’ve been putting off doing a few things due to my medical treatment & the after effects of it.

First I tackled the phone calls. I got through to the district nurses & cancelled them for Friday. I’m not sure at this stage whether I will continue to need their services. All depends on Friday’s meeting. If I’m going for radiotherapy then the PICC line will be removed & so the district nurses will no longer need to come to give me line care. One thing that is certain at this stage is that I will not need their care this week as that will be done at the hospital after I’ve decided whether to go for chemo or radiotherapy. I’ve agreed to ring next week & let the district nurses know whether or not I will require their services any longer.

I then rang the hospital to tell the MacMillan nurse I’d spoken to on Friday how my meeting went with the oncologist. Unfortunately she will not be working until Wednesday so I will have to ring back then.

The next call was to the company that installed our double glazing. The back door they’d put in wasn’t working properly. It’s a barn door style of door. There was no problem with the top half of the door, but it was impossible to unlock the bottom half of the door. To get to the freezer & my washing I had to go through the front door & walk around the house & back – a very long walk for me these days. Having made sure the house was secure, they agreed to send someone round to sort it out though it would probably be after 4pm.

The gardener then turned up. She hasn’t been around for a few weeks as she’s been down with a bad cold & didn’t want me, in my weakened post-chemo state, to catch it.  The garden is looking better for her attention.

She also had a look at our blocked drain, but, without rods, concluded there was nothing to be done but to get someone in. Another phone call. Someone came lunchtime. They quickly cleared it. Another job done. It’s been building up for a while so I’m relieved that’s done.

All in all, we felt as though we spent the day just waiting. However, it is a relief to know the drain is running clear & the back door is opening easily once more. We have other jobs that need sorting – a new garage door, decorating (the wallpaper is peeling off in parts), new kitchen carpet/flooring, sorting out a scratch on the car etc. etc. However, yesterday was enough for us for this week. Some of these things will mean work done at a later date & until Friday I have no idea when my treatment will once more have to take priority. They will just have to wait a bit longer.

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