Friday 14 February 2020

Bad & good

Yesterday we had the bad news that our cruising friend is now in the local hospice. In theory it is just temporary but the way he’s been going downhill leaves us suspecting it will be until he dies. And that not so far in the future. His wife tells us that at least he’s feeling more comfortable there, especially after having a massage. He’s enjoying watching the birds & squirrels through the window.

On the more cheery side, the garden continues to wake up. Now we have a selection of snowdrops, crocuses & small daffodils. In one pot we have some hyacinths that are definitely budding up. These are new bulbs. We’ve never grown hyacinths (apart from the small blue grape hyacinths). I’m always in two minds about hyacinths as flowers - my mother always grew them - but their scent is heavenly. I’m curious to see how I react when they come into flower. I always found them more satisfying in pots in the house, rather than in beds in the garden, hence the decision to put them in a large pot by the garage.

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