Saturday, 17 August 2019

Yet another problem

Well, we got on to our new ISP about the phone. It seems there is another fault on the line. Once more we are waiting for BT to come to sort it out. Once more writing this nervously, I’m half expecting by the time I transfer it from Word to my blog, I will no longer be able to get on-line.

I feel I should be chasing up this new wheelchair, but at the moment I just feel so drained with all these minor emergencies, that I don’t feel I have the energy to do battle with the wheelchair service too.

About the only things I am managing to do is to read my book, do my jigsaw (currently of the centre of London) & cook some food. Even as I write some minced beef is plopping along ready to go into a suet topped pie this evening. We’re once more using up from the freezer.

I’ve not done much using up from the freezer lately as we’ve been having so many salads. However, with the drop in temperature, the grey raininess of the days, the rowans bowing down with bright berries &, now, with even the first signs of autumnal colour appearing, we’ve concluded it’s time to move back to more wintry fare, something good & hearty.

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