seem to have had a time of nostalgia.
began with the new cleaner coming – this one is just a cleaner rather than a
carer, though, as a former carer, she is happy to do caring duties as well. We’d
been talking about my mother & she asked to see a photo of her. My mother
died in 1978, so any photos of her are old. I got out the old wooden box of
photos & found one of my family from Brunei days when I was only about 2.
I was hunting through the box for a picture of my mother I came across one of
my brother & I stood on top of Laxey Wheel (Isle of Man) with the valley
behind us. I would have been about 10 I guess then. Later in the evening the
Fox had a good rummage through these old photos together. Childhood memories
came flooding back.
continued as yesterday I completed a jigsaw entitled “1950s Sweet Memories”.
Needless to say it was a collage of various chocolates & other sweets from
the 1950s, my early childhood days. As a confirmed chocoholic I remember so
many of these brands etc., some long gone now. Some of the designs have just
changed. So there were boxes of Cadbury’s Roses along Milk Tray, packets of Rowntree’s
Smarties & Fruit Gums, Fry’s 5 centre as well as peppermint cream bars.
Bassett’s jelly babies & liquorice allsorts, Mackintosh’s Rolo &
Munchies. Some things I remember only in different form. So Terry’s Milk, with
its distinctive wrapper, blue with a jug of milk/cream on it I remember from
boxes of Neapolitans. As for “Lucky Bags” I’d totally forgotten them until I
saw the pack illustrated. They were sealed bags containing various sweets, the
sort of thing you used to get on the penny or halfpenny tray. It was pot luck
what the contents were hence the “lucky” in the name. I don’t remember them
having anything to do with the Range Rider– I was a fan of that programme on
children’s TV in those days – as the one illustrated was. Other brands &
marques I had totally forgotten – Terry’s Oliver Twist plain chocolate, Cadbury’s
Vogue, Fry’s Bristol chocolate, Frollies, Caley’s anything let alone their Sky
Bar & Double Fruit. I wonder if some of these brands will bring back
memories for any of you as they did for us.
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