Saturday 10 August 2019

So wet

Both yesterday & today I woke to the sound of rain slashing against the bedroom windows. Yesterday the rain continued falling hard for about an hour and a half. It then brightened up into a sunny day but it remained sultry. There were the odd showers. By the time we settled down to dinner in the evening, it was to the accompaniment of lightning & rolls of thunder – all very dramatic.

Soon the stone bench under the small pergola was just about disappearing under water. By the time we’d finished eating the rain had stopped. In one spot there were circles appearing in the water as though there was something breathing underwater. As the spot was quite deep, I hastily got my wellies on to check there was nothing there that needed rescuing before it drowned but I could find no creature to rescue. Fortunately, since we had the garden redesigned, improving the water drainage in the process, the water soon started to go down. & the path reappeared.

The small pergola one day shortly after it was erected

Small pergola earlier this summer

While we were at the golf club yesterday there was some discussion about the big match today. Every year there is a competition between Morecambe, Lancaster & Heysham golf clubs. It’s due to be played today. This year it is to be played at Heysham. Even yesterday it was being questioned whether the competition could go ahead. Heysham golf course is prone to flooding at the best of times. After last night’s thunderstorm I suspect it’s off, especially since it’s been raining most of this morning so far.

At least we had the good fortune not to lose the electricity yesterday as I gather so much of the country did. It came as quite a shock to realise the extent of the power cut when we put on the evening news. The story still dominates today’s morning radio news programmes.

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