Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Just waiting

Well I’m feeling more optimistic about getting the phone sorted out. We finally managed to persuade our new ISP that, as their phone check system reckoned there was a problem with the line then it was their responsibility to send someone round to rectify the situation. They have now contacted BT & someone should be coming around in the next couple of days.

Today it is actually dry but I’m still waiting before putting the washing out. Yesterday it turned to rain before I’d finished on the computer so I was relieved I hadn’t bothered to put it out. One good thing, with having a separate laundry room, it means we can happily hang washing up in there without having to endure the smell of damp clothes drying all the time.

In the garden the other side of the walled garden there is an enormous elder tree. At the moment it is attracting all the birds. First it was flocks of sparrows, then starlings. Now it is the collared doves, woodpigeons & magpies who have come for the berries to feed on. One woodpigeon has taken to sitting on the wooden fencing topping the wall, with his back facing us, just looking at all that food. Whenever I look out of the kitchen window I seem to see him there.

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