Saturday 4 May 2019

Catching up

It comes as a shock. The Fox has decided to make a meal using leftover chicken. I look at my freezer list. The last of the leftover chicken has been eaten already. We haven’t had a roast chicken for ages. So today we’re having roast chicken, a great British classic. We’re both looking forward to it immensely.

My trip to the hospital went well. I no longer have osteoporosis or even near to having it. I no longer have to calcium tablets. I am advised to take Vitamin D tablets in the winter months as the British sun doesn’t produce enough Vitamin D, especially as I, being a disabled person, probably don’t get out in the sun as much as most people do nor do I do much weight-bearing exercise.

I also went along and ordered my second pair of new knee braces.

Meanwhile the Fox went to the hospital chemist to collect the cream he hadn’t been able to collect on Monday. I’m glad to say, after a few days of application, he doesn’t seem to be itching as much as he was. How long this will continue I’m not sure. He will be going back to Dermatology in another couple of months to get his eczema assessed again.

I was feeling quite pleased with life. No medical appointments next week, the first time since March. So what happens? A filling falls out. Just what I need before a Bank Holiday. I instantly rang up the dentist. His next free appointment is at the end of the month. I assure them I’m going to be away then & I need this tooth sorting before then. They managed to sort out an appointment with his wife, a fellow dentist in the same practice, for next week. If an earlier appointment arises, or my tooth becomes too uncomfortable, then they will see if I can be fitted in as an emergency. Although I am having the occasional niggle so far it’s been tolerable so I’ll probably wait until the appointment late next week.

Our holiday to Norway has taken on a greater reality with the arrival of the tickets. Along with the tickets came some Bergen cards, giving us free public transport around Bergen & reduced entry into many of the city’s attractions. We were also sent a small guidebook with a few key phrases in Norwegian. It might help us to read the menu as we seek our meals around Bergen. We have a map of Bergen now which is helping us to locate some of the sights we are hoping to see. The hotel is in the centre of Bryggen, the old wharf area, a very pretty part of town. As for the Hurtigruten ferry/cruise, they’ve sent us a list of available excursions, with some indication of how accessible they are. I’m not sure we will be booking any. On the whole we prefer to explore by ourselves, spending time at those things that interest us most. But I have yet to look at what some of the trips involve so we may yet change our minds on that.

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