Thursday 7 February 2019

What a day!

What a day!

Yesterday the Fox had a GP’s appointment at 2.30pm. We eventually left nearer 3.15. In the Fox’s head swirled some of the stupid questions the doctor had asked. “Do you have stress in your life?” I, sat there next to him, couldn’t help thinking that being a carer, as the Fox is, inevitably means there’s stress in your life. It’s almost part of the definition of the role.

Next we hastily went on to the supermarket to do the big food shop, to find some things not there. As usual when we have some frozen stuff, we went home next to unpack. Then we went down to our local pub to unwind. There we bumped into some friends we haven’t seen for a while. It was already 4.30. By the time they’d left it was nearer 5.30 & I was feeling increasingly weary. We decided to eat out.

It was with relief we discovered the food at the Royal had improved considerably from when we went in November last year. We noticed someone having the Steak & Kidney Pudding. His knife slid into the soft steamed suet pastry like it was going through butter, not the baked suet crust that required a pneumatic drill to get into. We both had chicken. The Fox’s was Southern Fried, mine Cajun in a burger. Although I wouldn’t say it was the best meal I’ve ever had, it was acceptable. I would even consider having again some time. The new landlord is clearly having a beneficial impact on the standard of food at the pub.

It is as well we ate out. I was so weary I was in bed by 8.30, to not arise until this morning, 11 hours later.

One good thing about eating out is that I have nothing to prepare for today’s dinner. The potatoes are already peeled. The sausages & chorizo came out of the freezer yesterday & is in the fridge to keeping cool now. The bottle of red wine to accompany the meal is at room temperature ready to open later on.

The other good thing yesterday was a phone call from the travel agent to say our holiday was confirmed. Now I can get excited about the trip in the knowledge that we should be going. All we need to do is find some travel insurance & the money to pay the balance on the holiday.

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